
Carpooling in Iceland

It is more fun, cheaper and better for the environment to share ride with others when you travel around Iceland.

In Iceland there are more cars then people so there must be someone else going to the same destination as you - every single day.

Please tell your friends and family about this website. The more people using this website is better for everyone.

Aðalsíða - Skrá ferð - Um síðuna

Óska eftir: Farþegum
Frá: Keflavík (Airport)
Til: Reykjaví­k
Dagur: 17.03.2025
Brottför: 17:30
Sætafjöldi: 2
Nafn: Agata Naldi
Sími: +393248694729
Farsími: +393248694729
Netfang: agata.naldi@gmail.com
Reyklaus bíll: yes

Skráð þann: 13.10.2024
Breyta / eyða skráningu